Setley PRS Pit Lid Upgrade

Setley PRS Pit Lid Upgrade

Setley PRS Pit Lid Upgrade

Bolder, Lymington


2 weeks

Nature of Project:

Upgrade of Existing Pit Covers

Stage of Works:


  • Carr Civil Engineering was awarded the project to remediate damage to existing pit lids
  • Works located in a SSSI area within the New Forest National Park
  • HRA report carried out by a local ecologist who gave an on site briefing prior to works commencing. Natural England were informed and granted an assent to carry out works as per HRA. Verderers & Forestry Commission notified and also granted permission to proceed with works

Construction Stage

  • Removal of existing pit lids
  • Hand excavate to correct level in preparation for installation of new concrete slab
  • Shuttering pans installed & secured in place
  • All new frames & covers set to new uniformed level
  • Installation of C35 concrete with arras trowel & brush finish to form slab
  • Demobilisation of site

All works were in conjunction with SW2 regulations.